Field App Help Page

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Field Application Attributes and Rationale
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Which survey should I run?

Quick Survey: This is used for single-span bridges and where there is no structure but you want to record the fact. Also can be used when access is difficult and will require further investigation at a later date. The Quick Survey does not collect enough information to determine if a barrier to fish.

Full survey: used to capture all of the necessary attributes used to describe the structure and to determine if a barrier to fish.

Monitoring Survey: used for structures that have already had the initial survey and need ongoing monitoring.

[Here is the list of attributes that are collected for each of the survey types.]

How do I upload my data once collected?

You will need to be in Wifi coverage.

To upload data to the FTP server when finished or at the end of the day when back in wifi coverage.:

  1. Open the project – Structures in Waterways
  2. Tap on the Options button on the main screen, then Send data
“Options” is circled above
  • If there is data saved a big black arrow will appear, tap on that to send the data, when it is sent the arrow will change to be white and say “No data” (refer to the image below) – anything else means there was an error and an error message will appear, usually just “Failed to send”

How do I access my data?

Select one or more of the options [Here]

Also, discuss with ATS what (if any) charges may apply

Will others be able to access my data?

No. The ATS website is secure and we will not share data.